Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

A Speech (4):


The Excellency, ………. as the principal of …………………
Honorable, Mr. Abdul Wafi as the director of SMiLE: The Cram English Course and training.
Our beloved tutors and friends, Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Firstly, I would like to thank to the MC for giving me this opportunity.
Well, standing in front of you all, I would like to deliver my speech under the title
“The power of smile”

Dear brothers and sisters
A smile is very powerful and useful for our life. Medically, a sincere smile can heal the stress on our body. It can refresh our mind and make it work more brilliant. Besides, our face can look brighter and fresh when we put an honest smile on it. According to a research, a smile on our face will make us stay younger for when we smile, the nerves on our face are not restricted and tight.

Ladies and gentlemen
Our religion, Islam, teaches us to put a sincere smile on our face wherever and whenever we meet other people. It is taken as an alms and surely we will get reward for it. As it is said by our prophet Muhammad Peace Be upon HimTabassamuka fi waj-hi akhiika shodaqotun”. It means that putting a smile on our muslim brother is an alms. In line with it, a smile can be a nice way to start making a new friendship with other people. We will be easy to be accepted in our social life for a soft smile can be as an ice breaker of the awkwardness.

Happy audiences Rohimakumullah
Ahmad Dhani has ever said in his song lyric stating that “face with a smile for whatever happen to us”. Yes, it is true and it really is. When we put a smile on every problem we face, at least we think that those problems seem easy for us. However, when we are panic at first, we will feel that those problems seem really complicated. So, whenever we have problems, just Smile up and say “ok, I’ll try!” ‘’it’s easy and I can do it”

Well dear brothers and sisters
I think that’s all what I can deliver you about my speech. Thank you very much for your nice attention. One last word, “SMILE UP and say OK, I’LL TRY”

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

SMiLE’s Property13062013

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