Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

A Speech (2):


The Excellency, …………… as the principal of …………………
Honorable, Mr. Abdul Wafi, as the director of SMiLE: The Cram English Course and training.
Our beloved tutors and friends, Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Firstly, I would like to thank to the MC for giving me this opportunity.
Well, standing in front of you all, I would like to deliver my speech under the title “The Power of Love”

Ladies and gentlemen
Love, Love, love and love….
What is it actually? Why do people often talk a lot about that? Why do they have different opinions about it? Why do they laugh and cry of it?

Ladies and gentlemen
Talking about the definition of love, many people have revealed various definition of it. Some say that love is sweet, some say that love is torment. But, to my mind, love is a strong liking for something or someone. Love to Allah, to our parents, to our environment, to this nature and to all around us. Love is the antonym of hate. Love is universal and its presence is needed as to avoid the hatred.

Ladies and gentlemen
Love has power and its power can turn impossible thing to be possible and ordinary thing to be extraordinary thing. Yup, that is love. We can see how our parents love us that they do everything for us. No matter how hard they work, how difficult they find money for us; they keep trying for our best.

Dear brothers and sisters,
“Love what you are going to learn!” It is true. When we love what we are going to learn, its power will encourage us to keep learning. No matter how hard and difficult the lesson is, we will feel happy and motivated to learn it because the power of love works as that way.

Ladies and gentlemen
Before ending my speech, I just want to invite you; lets’ present love in our heart and full it and discard the hatred. By having a feeling of need and knowing the benefits of what we want to do; the power of love will lead us to our better success.
Thank you very much for your kind attention and see you.

Wassalamu ‘alaikum Wr. Wb.                                                 SMiLE’s Property 13062013

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