Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

A Speech (3):


The Excellency, ………….. as the principal of ………………
Honorable, Mr. Abdul Wafi, as the director of SMiLE: The Cram English Course and training.
Our beloved tutors and friends, Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Firstly, I would like to thank to the MC for giving me this opportunity.
Well, standing in front of you all, I would like to deliver my speech under the title “Let’s Thank to Allah”

Dear brothers and sisters
“Why do we have to thank to Allah?”
As we believe that Allah is our God and only, the lord of the universe, the creator of the sky and moon, the land, the water, the animals, the trees and human. It is Allah who sends wind and cloud and rain and finally grow the plants. We can inhale the oxygen, we can eat the foods to survive. It is Allah who makes us alive or dead.

Ladies and gentlemen
Just take a look carefully at us, the creation of human, we are miraculously created. It is Allah who created man and woman, our father and mother. And from them, Allah makes a process of ovulation, from sperm, a bunch of blood and flesh and finally we were born after 9 months in our mother’s womb. We were so powerless and as the life goes by, we grow up to be a little child, teenager, adult, old man and finally a corpse. It is Allah who gives us eyes to see, ears to listen, mouth to speak, legs to walk, hands to touch. It is Allah who grows hairs and nails. He is Allah the Almighty.

Happy audiences
Then, what can we deny? Nothing, absolutely nothing. “Fabiayyi alaai robbikumaa tukaddzibaan” So, there is nothing to do but just thank to Allah on everything he gives. “Alhamdulillahi robbil ‘alamien”

Dear brothers and sisters
That’s all what I can deliver you about my speech. Thank you very much for your kind attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

SMiLE’s Property 13062013 

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