Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Closing Meeting and Farewell Party

Dear SMiLERS, Exactly on next Tuesday December 11, 2012 SMiLE in cooperation with the Dormitory of Trunojoyo State Universityof Madura will hold a closing meeting and farewell party of the "SMiLE's English Supercamp on English daily conversation and public speaking" program. The program was started 3 months ago exactly on September 16, 2012.
This closing meetiting meeting will be held in the meeting hall of UTM Dormitory and will be attended by the director of UTM Dormitory "Mr. Ahmad Agus Ramdlany, SH., MH." with his staffs and the particularly the director of SMiLE "Mr. Abdul Wafi, S.S., M.Pd." with his 6 amazing team tutors (Mr. Rafi, Mr. Abdul, Mr. Decky, Ms. Kholilah, Ms. Daulah, and Ms. Firda).
hopefully, the program runs well without any obstacles...amien..

SMiLE, Thank God and Love

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