Kamis, 26 Januari 2012


Yesterday was Thursday. it was the day SMiLE and about 15 students of Trunojoyo State University gathered in Bangkalan Public Garden. we held one day outbound as the final program of SMiLE's Integrated Program 1 conducted during a month. though only 15 of 27 participants joined in the program,  the program was really really in great fun. the participants (Ogy, Ibna, tatang, Devi, Lilip, Dinka, Wulan, Eka, Rosa, Katon, Anton, Anshor, Farkin, Angga, AAm, and Nina) were really enthusiastic in accomplishing the series of the games.
SMiLE is really proud of them. May Allah bless them and lead them to a better life on and on.....

SMiLE, Thanks God and Love

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